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新泽西的病例在增加, we wanted to take this opportunity to update March’s COVID-19 guidelines and would like to remind everyone to stay vigilant and review and follow the office policies to keep everyone as safe as possible. 


  1. 每一位员工, 每一天, 要给他们量体温吗, 使用“无接触”温度计, 当他们进入工作场所. 所有员工只能从正门进入. 
  2. All information concerning employee temperatures and COVID-19 symptoms, 或者任何疾病, 会由HR保密吗.
  3. 如果员工有发烧或任何COVID -19症状, 他们将不被允许在办公室工作. That employee should contact a medical professional immediately.
  4. 如果员工有任何COVID - 19症状, they cannot return to work until they have one of the following:

                                                         i. 适合上岗证明

                                                       ii. 隔离14天

                                                       3. COVID - 19检测结果为阴性 

  1. COVID - 19常见症状如下:

                                                           i. 咳嗽

                                                          ii. 呼吸短促或呼吸困难

                                                         3. 发热

                                                         iv. 发冷

                                                          v. 肌肉疼痛

                                                         vi. 喉咙痛

                                                        7. 味觉或嗅觉的新丧失

                                                      8. 乏力

                                                         ix. 头疼

                                                          x. 拥塞/流鼻涕

                                                         xi. 恶心/呕吐

                                                        十二世. 腹泻

2. 每一位员工 will be given face masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer. 这些物品将持续供应. 

  1. 洗手液将放在前台, 浴室, 餐厅, 复印室, 还有办公室后面的复印机. 
  2. 办公室将定期清洁和消毒. Currently, there are nightly disinfecting happening throughout offices as follows:
    1. ALL perimeter offices, cubicles, closing each office door on the way out of each office.
    2. Large conference room, reception/waiting room, 厨房, and copier room.
    3. All door surfaces to each office and entry doors to suite and door handles.
    4. 购买了真空带HEPA过滤器用于Ste. 300年,只有. HEPA过滤器每2周更换一次.
    5. 公共区域的浴室也每晚消毒.
  3. Social distancing measures, at least 6 feet apart, will be practiced at all times in the office. Employees should not be congregating in common areas or hallways, including all copier stations. 我们将张贴有关保持社交距离的标志.
  4. 任何人不得进入办公室.
  5. No in-person meetings with employees greater than 4 people will be allowed. All proper social distancing, and or PPE must be worn if social distancing is not possible. 
  6. 我们在办公室(走廊)设立了公共区域, 复印室, 厨房, 游说团体, 等见附件). 在这些区域内,必须佩戴适当的个人防护装备. 在这些地区任何时候都要戴口罩, 使用或接触常用物品时戴上手套, 比如复印机, 冰箱, etc… You do not need to wear PPE when in your own office or at your own Cubicle. 
  7. When in the 餐厅, if eating lunch, you must maintain social distancing or eat at your office. 也不会有咖啡台和饮水机. 将提供瓶装水. 
  8. 我们的三月缺勤和休假政策仍然有效, 我们对遵守适用休假法的承诺也是如此. Please follow our policies concerning reporting absences and other time out, 如果你需要休假, 请联系我. 
  9. If you are sick you are to stay home from work, and follow the following:
    • If you have any COVID – 19 symptoms, you are to follow the protocol outlined in item number 1b.
    • If you stay home sick longer than 3 days you are to follow the protocol outlined in item number 1b.
    • If you stay home sick for less than 3 days and have no COVID – 19 symptoms, you may return to work. 
  10. 如果住在你家里的人被怀疑感染了COVID-19, 正在等待测试结果, 或者有症状, 你应该待在家里,直到:
    • COVID-19检测完成并呈阴性,或者
    • 如果积极, you are to remain home and in contact with Kelly as to when it is safe for you to return to work
  11. If someone you have been in close contact with informs you that they have tested positive for COVID-19 immediately after you have been in contact with them you need to get tested even if you are showing no symptoms before you can return to work….. If you have been exposed to someone with COVID is it recommended that you wait 4-5 days after exposure to be tested. 
    • A Close 联系 is defined as Someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period (e.g., 15 or more minutes at once; three 5-minute exposures for a total of 15 minutes, etc). 从发病前2天(或, 对于无症状患者, 2 days before test specimen collection) until the time the patient is 隔离d. 
  12. 你必须保持良好的个人卫生, 比如经常洗手, 咳嗽和打喷嚏礼仪, 正确使用和处理纸巾.
  13. Employees should not be sharing work equipment, including office supplies and materials. 
  14. You are to practice good common sense when interacting with co-workers in the office.
  15. In support of our goal of creating and maintaining a healthy and safe workplace, while we do not intend to influence or deter your vacation plans, 不鼓励人们离开三州地区. 在进一步通知之前,如果有任何旅行请通知凯利. The following protocol from the CDC will be enforced for you to return to work if you are traveling out of the tri-state area…
  • 进行测试 旅行后3-5天(最好是5天)  旅行归来后居家7天.
    • 即使你的检测结果呈阴性,也要在家待满7天.
    • 如果你的测试呈阳性 隔离 保护他人不受感染.
  • If you don’t get tested, you must stay home for 10 days after travel.
  • 避免和不喜欢的人在一起 患严重疾病的风险增加 14天,不管你做不做检查.

始终遵循 州和地方 有关旅行的建议或要求.

  • If you do decide to travel and your job does not permit you to work from home, you will need to use your personal/sick/vacation time while you are out waiting on your testing to be completed and your quarantine to be over. If you do not have any paid time off left you will be docked pay. Disciplinary action will be taken if guidelines are not followed. 

Please consider 所有员工’ feelings when in the office and the field. 我们预计 所有员工 to follow the above guidelines and be trustworthy for everyone’s wellbeing. The above items will be policed by all, please report all violations or concerns to Kelly. 

这是一个不稳定的局面, and this plan will be adjusted as the applicable guidelines and laws, 我们的业务和员工需要改变. 

我们知道你可能有疑问. 请指引他们去找凯利.

Thank you for your continued hard work and dedication to our common goals of a strong business and healthy workforce.

跟上我们. 让我们去!

* 指示要求
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